This service offers professional tool for converting text to synthetic speech with use of top quality Ivona voices.
After creating an account you will be able to convert any text to naturally sounding speech and use the audio files for any purpose, personal or commercial.
After creating an account you will be able to convert any text to naturally sounding speech and use the audio files for any purpose, personal or commercial.

Here you can check the quality of voices
we offer, before making the purchase.
Please enter or paste any text 
choose language and voice and listen.
Register now and get two free credits.
With 2 credits you will be able to record
up to 400 character text without any fee.
Do you need recorded speech in business...

Do you create e-learning courses and want to use speech in many languages?

Do you prepare a professional presentation and think of enriching it with speech?

Do you want to use speech in your own products?

Do you need subtitles for your Youtube videos?

Do you need prompts for your telephone exchange?

Do you intend to place any speech on your web page?
... or may be you need synthetic speech in your everyday life?

Would you like to record your favourite book to listen to it while jogging or biking?

Would you like to record a story for you kid to read tonight?

Would you like naturally sounding subtitles for a film you want to watch with your family?

Would you like to listen to your books or documents while:

... driving...

... relaxing.